A new approach to help light the way

Adlumin provides a multi-layered security approach with full transparency. Our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) offeringextends your team with continuous threat detection and response. Plus, you get everything you need for effective threat hunting, incident response, vulnerability management, darknet exposure monitoring, compliance support, and much more.

Adlumin Security Operations Platform

  • Combine all your data into one view. Gain insights and automation to accelerate your security.

Continuous Vulnerability Scanning

  • A dedicated team will continuously identify critical vulnerabilities, prioritized by risk, and rapidly remediate risks through patch management.

Platform Preview

Flexibility to meet your security needs

Adlumin grows with you as your business evolves. You can manage Adlumin’s Security Operations Platform:

  • With your Security Operations Team

  • With a Trusted Partner

  • With Adlumin’s MDR Team

Adlumin Advantage

Adlumin Offerings

Adlumin MDR

  • Gain time back with the power of Adlumin’s Security Operations Platform plus 24x7 coverage

Proactive Security Awareness

  • We’ll empower your employees to spot and report suspicious emails and automatically enroll users who’ve been tricked by attackers.

Progressive Penetration Testing

  • Adlumin’s tests simulate different vantage points, from limiting the scope to see what an attacker could exploit to how many ways an attacker could access critical data and assets.

Total Ransomware Defense

  • Enhance your current security with a multi-layered approach to identify and stop ransomware before it completes its tasks.

Recognized by Cybersecurity Industry Leaders

Adlumin Platform Demonstration

For additional information or to speak to a Rain Networks representative, give us a call at (425) 893-9800 or email us at sales@rainnetworks.com